3193 Sailing Cup

On the 1st of February Black Rock and Beaumaris yacht clubs joined to hold the inaugural 3193 cup in combination with Commodores day. A large number of boats attended from both clubs with fun had by all.
The “3193 Sailing Cup” was won by BRYC, with Peter and Lauren Kemp sailing a Pacer from Beaumaris Yacht Club winning the Commodores Day trophy.
We would like to thank the Beaumaris Bendigo Bank for their support in running this event.
Quote from Will Sharp | Rear Commodore | Beaumaris Yacht Club Inc.
“Congratulations on running a successful 3193 Sailing Cup on the weekend - I have only heard positive comments from BYC sailors.”
Commodores Day Trophy - Peter and Lauren Kemp (Pacer - BYC)
Division Winners
1 – Lachlan Caldwell in a Sabot
2 – David Wood in a Sabre
3 – Peter Kemp in a Pacer for BYC
4 – Bruce Ashton in an OK Dinghy
5 – Peter Milne and Lara Blasse in an RS200
6 – Richard Ekberg in a Musto
7 – Mark Kristic and Stuart Rose in the 14